Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week 15b

Back from Sydney - brrr, it's colder than I thought! We braved the rain to walk down Market St, eat at Darling Harbour and catch a ferry ride to Manly. I'm also starting to show but not enough to benefit from "royal treatment" :( While friends now guess I'm pregnant, incl. a few colleagues, most ang mos still find me Asian thin and my flight co-passengers were clueless when I couldn't lift up my carry-on suitcase. Hmmph. That said, thank you, SIA Singapore Girls.

Look forward to our anniversary retreat next weekend. Also really miss the parents, thought of swinging by home to visit for a few days but our schedule seems too tight. Counting down the days when they return in a few months.

Back to my weekly home soup routine. Now cooking: 红豆汤 - Red bean soup.


  1. This is so cute, though where do you find the time to write? Now I am contemplating a long awaited India/ South East Asia trip in January. Would be so wonderful to see you.
    Praying for ongoing health and good appetite.

  2. I jot down random thoughts along the week. Figure this will be such a unique time in my life, I'd want to remember both the silly little things and big milestones along the way.... Hope to see you in Jan!
